Tuesday, October 30, 2012


the rain is
soothing to
my skin but
I’m not fond
of wet sneakers
tracking mud
on the floor.
Wind through the
shutters make me
into my body
Go back to
bed. There
is nothing to
Take a
Polaroid of
it’ll last longer.
Pour me
a cup
of earl
gray to
chase away
the cold.
I need
windshield wipers
for my glasses.
Maybe then
I’ll be able
to see
more than
five feet
ahead of me.


you talked
of pills and lapsed friends
blinking sleep out of your eyes
I crushed dragon berries into tea
and poured cups, liberally
to chase night’s embrace from us.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

[There are things I cannot tell you]

(inspired by Shane McCrae's collection of poems "Mule")

There are things               things    things I cannot tell you
I cannot tell you                                things    like         /Fear    
cannot bare        Fear yes fear      fear is    frozen

I listen to your words     gifts       behind glass
But I listen           cannot  touch    listen
Frozen words   
Listen to gifts     burned from lips
I cannot have you            but         it doesn’t matter
You are real        my          muse.

work in progress

When you love someone wrong, your heart
refuses to listen to reason. Instead

there is perched anticipation
in syllables meant for communication

but not really for what you want, right?
Answer: only if you continue to believe.

Sweat condescends in the orchids
gardens of ghosts. Popcorn kernels &

mint leaves. I know it’s
impossible, improbably, infeasible, indestructible

yet I persist. I cannot stop wanting
until you feel something or anything.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I want
you to break
down that invisible
wall between us
and touch me
where the lines
of twine cross like
the line of the
which sounds
like a girl
I used to know
in grade school
who could never
keep her
goddamn mouth
shut. She should
have kept it
shut more
often, instead of letting
it rattle.
My friends all have babies now
what does that make me?
I once liked
to steal
coins from the
street. I’d leave
them in my jean
pockets. And later,
only lint
I never
wanted to become
cynical, it just
happened to me
we all become cynical
don’t we?

Monday, October 1, 2012

six degrees

(an exercise in voice & associative movement, inspired by poet Eileen Myers)

I want
to eat
cheese puffs
all day
and not get
fat. Is it too much
to ask? I
know that they
are horribly
a factory far
away from my
is quiet and dusty
and I wonder
how far I have to
go to go somewhere
the six degrees
has never been.
I don’t want to
live a life where
I have to
worry all the
damn time
about things
only I care about.
Baths for no reason. Pomegranate
seeds in my tea. I want to tell
you that the chalk make-up
makes you look like a doll.
I hate dolls.
But there will be
dancing naked in the streets
when the fire goes out and
when the looters
stop breaking Lego skyscrapers
in front of children
their faces Halloween in December
and yes, I’m laughing
like I’m insane
prophesizing the end.
I will grow a
Jesus beard
and maybe then you’ll
believe my stories
and maybe then
we’ll finally
have some peace.